mpc One battery stand
goal is to pimp the MPC One by making it
fully mobile
adjustable in angle
look awesome on yo...
mpc One battery stand
goal is to pimp the MPC One by making it
fully mobile
adjustable in angle
look awesome on your bench
work in progress (initial draft sketches)
alternative design idea worked out in parallel (to be added here soon)
project brief
This project covers a mix of wood work and 3D printing for the stand.
The electronics part in this is merely installing a suitable battery pack that can be purchased online.
required / optiional
base frame
The base frame carries the battery pack. It might also be adapted to embed structures for the tilting mechanism, but that is still not decided since the mechanism for tilting is in discussion.
The first draft looks like this. The slots are already in there to be able to fit in a case wrapping the battery pack. The part below the power supply unit of the MPC One is left open for access to the battery pack's control panel.