
in a ma{[ke]C}ahoots state of mind

Society is changing more quickly than ever before, driven by technological advancements that a majority of people is not fully grasping. Art is always at the forefront of critically reviewing and analysing trends in society. Combined with technological expertise and insights artists can greatly be enabled to more thoroughly and effectively contribute to making statements about the times we are in. On the other hand tech-enthusiasts can become part of something meaningful and relevant apart from directly helping people by creating useful things. 

Sharing of knowledge and thoughts is the driving force of modern technology that is most beneficial to the global community. It helps establishing a more level playing field for many people. We are part of a movement that cherishes open knowledge. Sharing experiences and jointly creating new ideas that can only blossom in an environment of open-mindedness.

In ideation one of the most beneficial approaches is surely combining different mind-sets and perspectives. We built this community to achieve just that. Bringing people together that otherwise would not meet and show them how much they can benefit from each other.


Find a team of people who are willing to commit to a common goal.
Use your diverse skill sets to make more creative and ambitious projects.
electronic art ...

electronic art ...

..., digital art. It is called many things, but we want to be the place to go for electronics enthusiasts who want to help relevant art to be created AND artists who are looking for help realising their technically challenging concepts.
idea creation

idea creation

accelerate growth of new project ideas.
establish tools to aid you in coming up with new challenging and inspiring projects.

So far this community is an expensive hobby. If you like it please consider to

or just make us feel flattered


Developing and maintaining this community involved quite some effort and investments. A little financial recharge from time to time would go a long way in keeping it alive.
Ads are kept to a minimum and only based on page content, not on indivdual user's profiles. 

That said, the most important and welcome contribution is of course still your involvement in discussions and realisation of your next more ambitious project. Keep on collaborating!