make it to the next level

the collaboration community


ma{[ke]C}ahoots' approach to collaboration
We do not want to just offer yet another community around making stuff.
We want to focus on three things...


Find a team of people who are willing to commit to a common goal.
Use your diverse skill sets to make more creative and ambitious projects.
electronic art ...

electronic art ...

..., digital art. It is called many things, but we want to be the place to go for electronics enthusiasts who want to help relevant art to be created AND artists who are looking for help realising their technically challenging concepts.
idea creation

idea creation

accelerate growth of new project ideas.
establish tools to aid you in coming up with new challenging and inspiring projects.

come in and connect

check out existing projects, as a starting point to discover the whole community.

Blog Posts

news, featured artists and project stories

some of our favourites

impressions that inspired us most. The detailed stories behind those can be discovered in a special section of the blog. And hopfully inspire you to join and get started in the forum and community.
This image for Image Layouts addon

A.I.R - In These Strange Times

This project A.I.R. by multiplay collective is a smart take on individualism during the pandemic.
This image for Image Layouts addon

Bois Mort - Félix Luque / Damien Gernay

light and sound installation.
This image for Image Layouts addon

Ars Electronica

A New Digital Deal - festival

credits / copyright (sources linked):
top-left: science gallery; right: ars electronica; bot-left: felix luque

So far this community is an expensive hobby. If you like it please consider to

or just make us feel flattered


Developing and maintaining this community involved quite some effort and investments. A little financial recharge from time to time would go a long way in keeping it alive.
Ads are kept to a minimum and only based on page content, not on indivdual user's profiles. 

That said, the most important and welcome contribution is of course still your involvement in discussions and realisation of your next more ambitious project. Keep on collaborating!