terms of use

makeCahoots by Jaime Penlinton is registered in Germany and therefore bound by German and European regulations. It is therefore required to provide agreements in German language. The original German version is legally binding. Any alterations regarding the intended content stemming from inappropriate translation or possible interpretations thereof are not affecting the original German agreements that users consent to. A link to original terms of use / Nutzungsbedingungen is provided to the right or below.

Terms of Use

1. Target audience
makeCahoots is aimed at interested parties from large parts of society around the world. A certain minimum age is required to assess the content shown. makeCahoots recommends a minimum age of 14 years. The necessary consent to the data protection regulations requires an additional minimum age in many countries. In the European Union, this age is between 13 and 15 years, depending on the country in question.

2. Subject matter of performance
The primary purpose of the community is to bring users together in order to jointly develop their own project ideas and projects. For this purpose, users create profiles, can put their project ideas up for discussion and work on their implementation together with other users. A forum serves the users, primarily with a technical and / or artistic background, to present ideas, to discuss them or to develop them further together. The respective project progress can be documented directly on the community page.

3. Registration
Registration is required to use the full functionality of the community, comment functions, the forum and interactions with members of the community. The data collected can be clearly seen in the registration form. Required and voluntary information is clearly marked. Further details on the data collected can be found in the privacy policy.

4. Privacy
We take the data protection and data security of our users very seriously. All services provided directly by makeCahoots run on servers in accordance with the latest security standards in Germany. The detailed privacy policy can be found here: Privacy Policy

5. Granting of copyright usage rights
makeCahoots does not claim ownership of the content of its users. The content of the users may be reproduced, published and edited by makeCahoots without restriction of time and place, free of charge, for editorial purposes and for advertising purposes. To improve the offer, selected other platforms for the presentation of the projects are also included here. MakeCahoots projects are currently also made available on gitHub in order to further improve the networking of like-minded users. The offer can be expanded to other platforms in the future without further notification and approval.
Personal data are excluded from the rights of use. User profile pictures are fundamentally excluded from these usage rights. makeCahoots would, in the case of the use of user profile images, obtain the explicit consent of the users concerned beforehand.

6. Termination of Use
makeCahoots can terminate membership and thus the right of use of individual users at any time without giving reasons. The decision is usually based on a violation of these Terms of Use, but does not have to be based on it. makeCahoots reserves the right to terminate the entire operation of the makeCahoots website and thus the community without prior notice.

7. Admissibility of content and rules of conduct
The primary goal of this community is to enrich society worldwide by sharing knowledge and ideas and by inspiring each other.
For this it is essential to treat each other with respect and tolerance. That is why all users hereby admit to not discriminating against anyone in any form. Discrimination does not always happen deliberately and consciously, so all users are called upon to carefully consider in their content and contributions whether someone could feel offended or degraded based on individual characteristics or characteristics.
If it is obviously intended discrimination, we reserve the right to exclude the user concerned from the community after 6.
In any case, we ask you to notify us by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if problematic content is discovered. In most cases, we will discuss the problematic content with the responsible users, but we also reserve the right not to publish it further without the consent of the user.

Intellectual property is also very important to us at makeCahoots. We would very much like to see significantly more content available under less restrictive license conditions. We give recommendations for the generation of content. Users are only allowed to present their own content and undertake to fully respect the rights of third parties. Please direct any concerns or violations of these rights to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Users are expressly called upon to actively report violations of property rights, as makeCahoots itself cannot ensure that all content is checked for originality.
It is also forbidden to use the community to merely refer to similar platforms and communities. The site is intended to facilitate exchange and is therefore dependent on attracting a certain number of users. We ask for your understanding.

The publication of discriminatory and criminally relevant content is strictly prohibited. This includes works (i.e. texts, images, videos, etc.)
• to which there are no corresponding copyright rights of use
• Insults or untrue facts about third parties
• Pictures with strangers without their consent
• Violation of third-party data protection rights
• Content relevant to criminal law (e.g. racist statements, pornographic content, etc.)
• Content that is harmful to minors (since minors are also allowed)

8. Anti-Spam / Advertising Policies.
We strictly prohibit any participation in unsolicited commercial email campaigns (UCE campaigns), any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional materials. We have a zero tolerance policy towards SPAM, whether directly, through a third party, or through an affiliate or similar agent acting on behalf of the account holder. Any member account associated with a report of a violation of this policy or caught in the process can be closed immediately.
They adhere to the US CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and the standards set by the email industry: If it's unsolicited, it's spam.
We do not engage in any form of unsolicited bulk email (i.e. spamming) and all members are expected to abide by this policy. Violation of this policy will result in the termination of your account.
The content posted should not be machine generated or randomly generated maliciously against the website and does not contain any unethical or undesirable commercial content aimed at directing traffic to third party websites or improving the search engine rankings of third party websites or any other illegal activity (such as phishing) or contributing to or mislead recipients as to the source of the material (such as spoofing).

9. Consequences of violating the terms of use
Violations of the conditions of use listed will have different consequences depending on the severity of the offense and the apparent fault of the user. These consequences range from the deletion of relevant posts and warnings to the user through to exclusion from the community. The handling of remaining harmless content of the user concerned is based on the granted usage rights. 5. The selected consequences are at the discretion of makeCahoots. In principle, it is possible to be excluded from the community without prior warning or milder measures.

10. Release from Liability
  a. Quality of the content
makeChoot's own written content, as well as all user contributions, do not claim to be correct or complete. All information is provided for further use in an appropriate manner. This does not mean that the content described has been rated or created according to any standards. The reliability of this information cannot be guaranteed and therefore cannot be assumed by the user.
makeCahoots takes great care in creating its own content in order to provide information that is as correct as possible and as complete as possible.
We have no influence on user content. There is expressly no technical assessment of the contributions. The users undertake to explicitly name possible dangers in connection with the content described or illustrated by them in order to protect readers as best as possible.
Any responsibility and liability for damage resulting from the use of information from text, image or video content on the makeCahoots.net website is excluded as far as legally possible.
In particular, electronics projects or other projects that involve the use of tools or toxic substances should only be carried out and simulated if users have mastered the required methods and techniques and can exclude dangers as far as possible. Users who have not yet reached the age of majority under their local law are encouraged to consult a legal guardian before starting practical activities that could potentially be dangerous.

  b. Legality of User Content
MakeCahoots cannot be expected to check the content of the user content. It is not unreasonably checked whether any third party copyrights are being violated. The legality of the content itself is also checked for a reason. The users are expressly called upon to report possible violations by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In these cases, we will carry out the check immediately (in an appropriate response time) and react accordingly, for example by deleting the content and other consequences for users regulated under 9. In the event of a violation of copyrights, we ask you to provide appropriate evidence, as far as possible.

11. Warranty and liability
makeCahoots goes to great lengths to ensure that the website runs smoothly and is convenient to use. makeCahoots does not, however, undertake to save the content generated by users or to secure it against loss. We recommend that users ensure that their data is also backed up elsewhere. makeCahoots has no responsibility or liability for the deletion, accuracy, security, storage or transmission of any content or communication on makeCahoots.net. Nonetheless, we use the most secure technologies possible to keep your data safe as best we can. For example, by encrypting the connection to our website, regular backups and careful testing in separate domains before the release of new features.

12. Subject to change
The terms of use can change at any time without prior notice. This basically happens through changing legal framework conditions or changes in the scope of services of the website and related services from makeCahoots. The users are therefore requested to check the currently valid terms of use. Further use of the makeCahoots website and services requires continued consent to these terms of use.

13. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law
All legal disputes arising from or in connection with makeCahoots.net are exclusively subject to German law. The place of jurisdiction is the headquarters of makeCahoots by Jaime Penlington.